miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011


I am still in Wellington, my sailing was cancelled today cos of the stormy conditions. It had snowed for the last two days and the wind was really strong, the sea is quite rough. So now I am waiting for good weather conditions to take the ferry to Picton.

I spent three days in Olivia's house with her boyfriend Oliver and Simon. They live together in a semidetached house and were so kind to share their home with me. But now it is over cos Oliver's sister is coming and she need the room. So I have booked a shared bed in a nice backpackers near the center city. We played cards every night I tought them "siente y media" and they tought me "Up and down the river". Thank you so much friends for your friendly and kindly accommodation.
The first day we went to Zealandia and we did a track and watched native birds. In New Zealand there are only native birds no other kind of animals, and the government has to eradicate pests to protect the ecosystem.
The second day we visited an interesting photo exhibition near the harbour and had lunch in a restaurant nearby. I had a wonderful lamb hamburger. I had never eaten it before, it was delicious.

Finally I went to the Te Papa Museum which is the most important in New Zealand. They had two special exhibitions about Oceania named “Early Encounters” and “Imagining The Pacific” 

2 comentarios:

  1. Ese pais será muy bonito pero también arriesgado, cuando no hay terremotos, nevadas, el viento... muchas emociones fuertes. Aquí sigue el calor agobiante que combatimos con el aire acondicionado además de ventiladores y por supuesto los famosos abanicos ¡qué calorrrr!

  2. ¡Estupendo! ¡Vaya viaje compañero! Buen ambiente, amigos acogedores, ¡parece que estés viviendo una EXPO universal pero real, a juzgar por los sitios, los museos, las exposiciones...

    Aquí sigue haciendo verano, mucho verano... calor, piscinita, copitas nocturnas...

    Un abrazo sevillano.
